Lily Allen-Dueñas

City: West Des Moines

Job Title: Marketing & Content Specialist at Des Moines University

I am a: Transplant

College Alma Mater: University of Iowa

Lily Allen-Dueñas lives in West Des Moines, a suburb located in Greater Des Moines (DSM), and is the Marketing & Content Specialist at Des Moines University. 

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Top Interests

Arts and Culture



Food and Drink

I love Des Moines because there’s always so many events and activities to choose from! I’m from California and my friends that still live there are shocked when I tell them how many things there are to do in this regional area.

One of Lily’s favorite things about DSM is the people. She loves the genuinely kind, warm and friendly nature of the folks here. “Iowa Nice” is not a myth!

Lily also loves that ideas are met with an energetic “Yes!” attitude in Des Moines. In her mind, friendly and helpful attitudes lend nicely to creative, collaborative idea generation.

Inner Space, located in Downtown Des Moines (DSM), also ranks high on Lily’s list of favorite things here. She loves that holistic health matters to locals in DSM. A center for wellness, Inner Space provides many unique holistic services and treatments, including a Salt Lounge, light therapy, classes and more. Inner Space is “a gym for your insides.”

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